Let the blogging begin…

WOW, this first post comes with a lot of pressure. What should one write? I think I have writer's block.

So, because I’ve failed to let you in on the happenings around here in the first few months of 2016 I’m going to make up for it in pictures….  So far in 2016 I got a new vet truck, her name is Poker Alice, the wild women started guitar lessons and ice skating, I took a short sabbatical with my best friend to Arizona,  we had a heck of a snow storm and I did my first c-section on a sheep successfully, we started calving and I turned 39!!!

From now on, I’m hoping to give you weekly updates on the shenanigans of my daily life. So, sit down and buckle up friends, this road can be pretty bumpy. Until next time (a special Super Tech saying) Love, Peace and Chicken Grease! ❤ #wyovetwoman

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